Planned Activity
Project Erebus Floating Offshore Wind Farm – Notice to Mariners
Due to weather delays the geotechnical survey involving Willendeavour and Aran 120 at West Angle Bay initially scheduled for between 11th April to 24th April 2023 will now take place between the 20th April and the 11th May. Surveying is expected to last for a duration of between 7-14 days. This NtM supersedes the NtM issued on the 27th March 2023 (reference: Erebus/002 v001 Nearshore Geotech).
An extension to this survey is due to be undertaken on the export cable and array area, commencing on the 19th April 2023. The work will be undertaken by the vessels Voe Vanguard and Fugro Scout operated by the survey contractor – Fugro. Vessel details are provided below.