Floating Offshore Wind
A new generation of energy in the Celtic Sea
Harness More Wind
Almost 80% of the world’s wind resource is in water deeper than 60 metres
Less Visual Impact
Floating wind is further offshore meaning less visual impact and reduced conflict with other marine users
Meet Emissions Targets
Needed to meet the UK’s net-zero emissions targets and deliver on ambitions set by the Climate Change Committee
Opening up a whole new world of offshore renewables
The International Energy Agency estimates that floating wind turbines could help provide enough electricity to satisfy the world’s electricity needs 11 times over.
It is estimated by the ORE Catapult that the first GW of floating wind in the Celtic Sea could potentially deliver over 3,000 jobs and £682m in supply chain opportunities for Wales and Cornwall by 2030.
Studies suggest there is up to 50GW of attainable wind resource in the Celtic Sea.
A new energy partnership
Simply Blue Energy, a pioneering Celtic Sea energy developer, and TotalEnergies, one of the world’s largest energy companies, have established a partnership to develop floating wind projects in waters of the Celtic Sea. The joint venture, Blue Gem Wind was announced in March 2020 and opens a new chapter in the development of offshore energy in the UK.
Erebus – A 96MW demonstration project
Blue Gem Wind will initially focus on a 96MW demonstration project 45 km offshore. The project, named Erebus after the famous ship built in Pembroke Dock will become one of the largest floating offshore wind projects in Europe when constructed in 2027.
Erebus is the first project in a stepping stone approach to developing floating wind in the Celtic Sea. A series of subsequent projects, gradually increasing in size will enable the local supply chain to maximise opportunities before commercial size projects in the 2030’s.
Floating Wind in the Celtic Sea
Maximising local supply chain opportunities with a stepping stone approach
Sustainable Coastal Communities
First GW of floating wind in the Celtic Sea could deliver over 3000 jobs and £682 million in local supply chain opportunities by 2030
Unlocking the Wind Resource
A study has identified 150 to 250 GW of wind resource in the Celtic Sea with approximately 50 GW attainable
A New Low Carbon Future
Delivering the Celtic Seas first offshore floating wind project. Providing green energy to 89,488 homes per year
Want to know more?
Please use the links below to check out our careers, education, and document library. Information on our projects, floating wind, and the latest news can be found using the menu at the top of the page.
Download our community newsletter along with a range of documents relating to planning, project consents, careers and education from our document library.
If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved in off-shore wind please take a look at our careers page which includes a variety of resources.
We have produced an animated video and education pack to work with primary-level students on the impacts of climate change and floating wind.
Some of the Frequently Asked Questions can be found here.
If you have any other questions about Blue Gem Wind and our projects then please get in touch.