Document Library

The Blue Gem Wind library contains information on our proposed projects, Erebus and Valorous. The documents and reports in this section cover topics such as planning, education & skills, industry, and community focussed newsletters

Want to know more?

Please use the links below to check out our careers, education, and document library. Information on our projects, floating wind, and the latest news can be found using the menu at the top of the page. 


Download our community newsletter along with a range of documents relating to planning, project consents, careers and education from our document library.


If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved in off-shore wind please take a look at our careers page which includes a variety of resources.


We have produced an animated video and education pack to work with primary-level students on the impacts of climate change and floating wind.


Some of the Frequently Asked Questions can be found here.
If you have any other questions about Blue Gem Wind and our projects then please get in touch.