The recovery of the capsized Floating LiDAR System (including the mooring and clump weight), located within the proposed Valorous Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FLOW) project site, was successfully undertaken in January 2022.

Redeployment and operation Floating LiDAR System

To inform the engineering designs and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for the proposed Valorous Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FLOW), the successfully recovered Floating LiDAR and associated mooring system is due to be redeployed
within the boundary of the proposed Valorous Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FLOW) project site.

The Floating LiDAR will be towed from harbour (Milford) and deployed at the location below. The works are expected to take place between the 25 – 29 April 2022. A further Notice to Mariners will be issued to confirm the deployment of
the Floating LiDAR and associated mooring system.

The Floating LiDAR will be maintained in position via appropriate mooring systems for a 12-month period from initial deployment and will gather data to inform the proposed Project. Details of the device and relevant Aids to Navigation are
provided below.

The Floating LiDAR equipment will undergo regular scheduled maintenance during the operation period, further notice to mariners will be issued confirming the dates and maintenance activities. 

 For further details click on the link below: