
Come and join the blue-green revolution!

The UK is currently a world leader in offshore wind, with more turbines installed than any other country and a workforce of over 30,000 people working to deliver 10+GW of energy. However, the UK Government has set a target to increase offshore wind to 50GW by 2030 which means 100,000 people will be working in offshore wind at the end of the decade. 

And this is just the start . . .

The Climate Change Committee has stated that offshore wind will be the “backbone” of the UK’s future energy system and key to reaching Net Zero by 2050. To achieve this target the Committee has stated that the UK needs at least 100GW of offshore wind, meaning that by 2050, both fixed and floating offshore wind will have to grow significantly in the coming decades.

Approx 10,000 new people will be needed to join the sector every year from 2023 to 2030 to deliver the 50GW target.

This can mean exciting roles from a wide range of skills and educational backgrounds including:

Project Managers / Engineers / Human Resources / Divers / Health & Safety Professionals / Environmental Scientists / Stakeholder Advisors / Communications / Data Specialists / Technology Specialists / Technicians / Skippers and Boat Crew / Oceanographers

If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved, please see the resources below:

 Careers Resources

Offshore Wind Industry Council
renewable UK

Want to know more?

Please use the links below to check out our careers, education, and document library. Information on our projects, floating wind, and the latest news can be found using the menu at the top of the page. 


Download our community newsletter along with a range of documents relating to planning, project consents, careers and education from our document library.


If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved in off-shore wind please take a look at our careers page which includes a variety of resources.


We have produced an animated video and education pack to work with primary-level students on the impacts of climate change and floating wind.


Some of the Frequently Asked Questions can be found here.
If you have any other questions about Blue Gem Wind and our projects then please get in touch.